Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2016 Resolutions & Goals

I have officially made my list for 2016... goals I would like to meet and things I would like to change. Here's what I've got {in no particular order}:

1. Fast with the church for 21 days in January. This will be the first time I join the fasting movement and I am so excited. By sacrificing and putting God first at the very beginning of the year, you establish the will of God for the entire year!

2. Join the athletic club and go at least twice a week. The most typical new years resolution of all! But this is the first year this is on my list, I swear.

3. Be completely debt free {except for my house}. I am so close to meeting this goal and I should be debt free by the end of January!

4. Pray for my husband daily. I believe it is the most powerful thing I can do for my husband and I want to adapt that habit this year and for years to come.

5. Go to Mexico for Spring break. We need a vacation and we haven't been to Mexico yet!

6. Save at least $10,000. Now that I am debt free I would really like to build my savings a bit more.

7. Start a family. Not much more to say other than I would like a little baby and this year might just be the year!

Do you usually make new years resolutions? What's on your list?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Monday, December 28, 2015

Manic Monday

First of all I hope you all had a merry merry Christmas! The day was hectic and in trying to enjoy time with my family I forgot to take pictures. I know, blogger fail! But we truly did have the best time I assure you. Presents, cookies, cocktails, decorations... those things mean nothing at the end of the day, though. The gift that we received when baby Jesus was born is what matters most. And that gift is by far the greatest.

Today I am back at work after such a great holiday and it's just one of those days where nothing seems to be going right. I start to question things and maybe I'm just thinking too much? Maybe things aren't as bad as they seem but maybe they are? Have you been there before? You're not alone. Remember, He is always faithful and He will bring you through this season. He is amazing, our God! Just be still.

 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas {Nordstrom gc & gold iPad mini Giveaway}

 Merry {belated} Christmas! In the spirit of giving, I am bringing y'all a giveaway for a chance to win a $500 gift card to Nordstrom & a gold iPad mini!!! Use the rafflecopter to enter below... The giveaway ends January 15th and is open worldwide. Good luck

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wine & Wish {Featuring Donner's Vin Doux}


 Pressed from late-harvest, frozen Sauvignon Blanc grapes and barrel fermented in new French Oak, our Vin d’ Or exudes aromas of vanilla, honey and pineapple. Its natural sweetness is supported by a strict acid backbone that displays the entire flavor the grape has to offer.

Donner stared sadly at the holiday tree.
"The reindeers have their own wine...all except me"
When Santa heard of his friend's sad lament
An e-mail to the winemaker quickly was sent.
"We've made Christmas wines and it's been quite a blast
But truly I've save the best for the last.
A wine so delicious, so showered with fame
It just has to bear the great Donner's name"


Moving away from the traditional look of classic ski cabins, contemporary mountain retreats are embracing a whole new design style that seamlessly blends the modern with the rustic. Nestled in the snowy slopes of Colorado, this breathtaking getaway was designed by Morgante Wilson Architects for a family of passionate skiers, and the dwelling brings the comforts of an urban lifestyle to a relaxed, mountainside setting. Spread across three different levels and 3500 square feet, the fabulous home is perched atop a hillside and offers captivating views of the scenic landscape that surrounds it.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Monday, December 21, 2015

MissionCute, December 2015

I can't believe that today is already December 21st and that means another MissionCute box was delivered to my front doorstep! This month 50% of net proceeds are going to Kulture City, an organization founded in 2013 with the mission to create a world where all individuals with autism and their families are accepted and treated equally. From their website: "We provide tangible help, fulfilling the here and now needs for these children and their families. The journey of autism and any other special needs diagnosis is life-long and often can be isolating. Furthermore, resources are hard to find and limited. Families often struggle to fit into the community.  We created programs aimed at serving these children directly, for instance our art and music camps. Assistance in the form of scholarships, connections to the appropriate service providers, educational workshops and much more are offered by KultureCity."

 An A+ organization if you ask me! Now to show you the goodies in this months box:





 If you're unfamiliar with MissionCute, it is a monthly subscription box starting at just $17 a month. Each month a box will be delivered to your front doorstep with various items all just for you. It's like a gift to yourself!... or someone else. MissionCute makes a great gift for someone. The best part is, each month MissionCute donates 50% of net proceeds to a different charity. So while you are gifting yourself, you are also giving back. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Follow my personal invite if you'd like to join.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Friday, December 18, 2015

5 Looks for New Years in Vegas

TGIF! For today's Five on Friday linkup I am bringing you 5 looks for New Years in Vegas {or anywhere really} inspired by the beautiful hotels Las Vegas has to offer! Just like the Bellagio when it's lit up at night, I am loving gold for this celebratory holiday :)

5 Looks for New Years in Vegas

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Day in The Life of Me {Tuesday December 15, 2015}

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts so I figured I was due for one. After all, it's always fun to see what people's days look like, right? No? Okay, well here ya go anyways...

6:15am to 7:00am: My alarm goes off at 6:15am and I'm up but I'm not ACTUALLY up. I lay in bed and check emails, peruse Instagram, and doze off here and there.

7:00am to 7:30am: My second alarm goes off at 7:00am and this time I really have to get up. I let the dogs out, feed them and the cat, and get myself ready for the day.

7:30am to 8:00am: The dogs play outside, I give the cat some one on one attention, take my vitamins, throw my hair into a clip, straighten up the house, and kiss Jon goodbye {he's still sleeping because he worked a double the day before}.

8:00am to 8:30am: Commute to work. Highway traffic sucks!


8:30am to 5:00pm: I work like a dog. I eat lunch around noon and sit at my desk to catch up on some of my favorite blogs! Emails start pouring in so it's back to work I go.


5:00pm to 5:30pm: Commute home. I take the back roads this time and I usually get home in a half hour... unless there's traffic or I have to stop at the grocery store.

5:30pm to 6:00pm: Jon was off today {because he had a final to take} so he's home when I walk through the door after my long day, which is a nice change! Usually he's at work so I let the dogs out, feed them and the cat, and do a few house chores... but Jon took care of all that for me :)

6:00pm to 7:30pm: I sip on a glass of wine while Jon makes us blackened chicken salad sandwiches for dinner. I can't even begin to tell you how good these are!

7:30pm to 10:00pm: Jon has one more final to take so I go upstairs to shower and then I plop myself on the sofa with a book and put on an episode of Dateline {my latest obsession}. It's clear he's going to be a while so I scroll through the channels and find a new series Born This Way and I'm hooked! Those sweet young adults with Down Syndrome are so inspiring.

10:15pm: I'm in bed. Jon's still taking his last final so I drift off to sleep. Only to do it all again in approximately 8 hours!

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Monday, December 14, 2015


I'm just going to say it... the Ravens suck this year. There are many factors effecting their record {like half of the team being hurt} but I won't go into all of that. Regardless, we are still fans and yesterday we went to the game knowing that we would probably loose! Which we did. But hey, we were still there cheering. #NotFairweatherFans


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Fun {Holiday Questionnaire}

Last week on one of the link-ups, I came across the Going the Distance blog where Jenn shared a fun holiday questionnaire. So this week I decided to take part in it and answer all of her questions!

A holiday tradition: As a kid we would go to my grandparents house on Christmas eve and when we came back home that night, we found that Santa had stopped by and left us each a new pair of pajamas and a movie before he made his big delivery! It's something I'll never forget and probably something I will continue with my future children.

The Angel Sleep Tee 

What you'd love to see Santa bring you most this year: I'd really like a camcorder.

What's your go-to stocking stuffer item: Hmmm I don't have children yet and Jon and I just do bigger type gifts so I don't fill stockings for anyone. But some good items under $10 {for adults} are: a gift card for a coffee at Starbucks, an essential oil, a good book, a portable charger, a Christmas movie, chilling rocks, and texting gloves.

Who is the hardest to shop for during the holidays: Definitely the parents and grandparents... oh and couples too! I find it so hard to buy for people who already have most everything. I did find a great idea for a moscow mule gift basket and I think it will be perfect for a sweet couple I know ;)

Favorite winter accessory: Definitely infinity scarfs! You can never have enough in my opinion. Wearing a boring shirt? Dress it up with an infinity scarf!

Christmas tree lights {colors or all white?}: I think white lights look really classy and you can always decorate with a certain colored ornament to match a particular room. Color lights are really fun too though and are great for a kids tree.

Favorite holiday cocktail: Probably sangria. Actually I love sangria at any celebration {Christmas, bridal shower, etc.}. I'd love to try this holiday cocktail this year though.

Favorite holiday food: Green bean casserole. I feel like you either love it or hate it. I personally LOVE IT and can't get enough of it!

Do you have a good white elephant gift idea: Selfie stick. It's under $10, funny, and everyone probably wants one but just doesn't want to admit it.

Do you have a funny picture of you and Santa as a kid {post if you do}: Not that I know of!

Do you like candy canes: Not particularly.

Hot chocolate... marshmallows or no mashmallows: Ummm marshmallows for sure! Why not?

Favorite holiday song:

Favorite holiday movie: Hmmm I love them all but if I had to pick I'd probably say A Christmas Story.

A funny holiday story: One of the first years I spent Christmas with Jon's family, his great uncle was drinking {what he thought was} a glass of wine but turns out it was vinegar and he had no idea! Bless his heart.

Have you ever been on a sleigh ride: Nope!

A fun holiday memory: Spending time at my nanny and poppy's beautiful country house and being spoiled by them. At the time we hated traveling to them. Little did I know my nanny would die when I was 10 and those few years spending holidays with her are memories I will cherish forever.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34
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