I have officially made my list for 2016... goals I would like to meet and things I would like to change. Here's what I've got {in no particular order}:
1. Fast with the church for 21 days in January. This will be the first time I join the fasting movement and I am so excited. By sacrificing and putting God first at the very beginning of the year, you establish the will of God for the entire year!
2. Join the athletic club and go at least twice a week. The most typical new years resolution of all! But this is the first year this is on my list, I swear.
3. Be completely debt free {except for my house}. I am so close to meeting this goal and I should be debt free by the end of January!
4. Pray for my husband daily. I believe it is the most powerful thing I can do for my husband and I want to adapt that habit this year and for years to come.
5. Go to Mexico for Spring break. We need a vacation and we haven't been to Mexico yet!
6. Save at least $10,000. Now that I am debt free I would really like to build my savings a bit more.
7. Start a family. Not much more to say other than I would like a little baby and this year might just be the year!

Do you usually make new years resolutions? What's on your list?
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34