Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sienna's Baptism

On Sunday our sweet girl was baptized at Saint Margaret Church. It was such a memorable time because Sienna cried screamed the ENTIRE time! Poor girl was just NOT feeling well... she has some tummy issues going on plus she had her 4 month shots on Friday which led to a low grade fever on Saturday. What was I thinking scheduling her baptism just two days after her shots? Mom fail.

We opted to have the reception in a building at the church. We figured it was easier than making everyone go somewhere else after the ceremony. So on Saturday evening my mother in law and husband set up the room while I put the baby to bed. I arrived on Sunday and put some finishing touches on everything and waited for the food delivery.

Around 12:30 is when Sienna started to fuss but I was able to hold off the full blown meltdown with a bottle and some cuddling. The ceremony started at 1:30 pm and she fussed here and there. Stressful, yes... but nothing I couldn't handle. As soon as everything was over and it was time for pictures, she had enough. Enter in full blown meltdown. Screaming, face red, the whole 9 yards. As much as we all wanted pictures I just had to make the hard decision as a mama and tell everyone we couldn't do it then.

We walked over to the reception and Sienna fell asleep. She was just SO TIRED. We were all able to eat in hopes that Sienna would wake up refreshed and ready for pictures. She woke up and five minutes later it was full blown meltdown again! My poor baby wouldn't take a bottle and as just not feeling well. So, no pictures... and that's okay. We gave her a small dose of tylenol and her aunt Lauren held her with a warm compress on her belly and she soon fell back asleep.

Our family started to make their way out and it was time to get our girl home. Yesterday we had an appointment with her doctor and we are doing some new things to help her belly. Please keep her in your prayers!

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also Luke 12:34

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