Friday, February 28, 2014

The Blogmopolitan Quiz linkup

Want to link up too? All you need to do is download the quiz via THIS LINK by clicking the little arrow, then you'll need to upload the image to a photo editing program like PicMonkey/Photoshop/Paint, fill in your own answers, stick the finished product in your blog post, and then link that baby back up here. Remember that you can't just simply fill the form out by clicking the picture and inserting text. Not everything in life can be as easy as that one brand of macaroni.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

DIY Wedding Save The Dates

I wanted to do something different than your typical magnet that everyone sends out. So I did a little searching on the internet and found a great DIY tutorial. I had so much fun making these and I like that each one has my personal touch. I really hope my guests like them.

You can find the whole tutorial here!

(I took this picture before I drew a heart over the "AUG" and "31")

I have a little over 100 of these mini stickers left over. I hope my sister and I can find a clever way to use them for the wedding, bridal shower, or bachelorette party. Any ideas? They would be much appreciated!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Recipe, Potato Salad

Jon said this was the best potato salad he's ever had! It was so easy... almost too easy

What you'll need:

1. 4 potatoes (I used white potatoes- medium sized)
2. 3 eggs
3. mayonnaise
4. Mustard
5. Dill weed
6. Salt
7. Pepper
8. 1 small onion
9. Bacon (optional)

What to do:
1. Boil eggs and potatoes
2. Peel eggs and then chop
3. Chop potatoes (I kept the skin on)
4. Chop onion
5. Combine potatoes, eggs, and onion
6. Add mayonnaise, mustard, dill weed, salt, and pepper to taste
7. Cook bacon, chop, and add (optional)

You could also add chopped jalapeno for a little kick ;)


Monday, February 24, 2014

DIY Dog Bed

I used this tutorial to make Corrado and Harley Ravens beds this weekend. They will look so adorable in our fancave :)

The only thing I did different from the tutorial is I used a total of 3 yards for 2 beds (So about 1.5 yards for each one). And each slit was 2 inches wide rather than the 1 inch that is showed in the tutorial. This was so easy and anyone can do it!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Restaurant Review, Clementine

Name: Clementine

Location: 5402 Harford Road Baltimore, Maryland 21214 In the city (Hamilton/Lauraville) not far from the county. Keep heading down Harford Road and you will hit downtown. The restaurant is surrounded by other cute spots like Hamilton Tavern and The Green Onion.

Prices: Our total bill was around $90 and we got a bottle of wine, one beer, the duck nachos appetizer, two entrees, and a dessert. Thursdays are their wine nights so you can get a pretty good bottle of wine for only $11-$15... a total steal and a must if you go on a Thursday. (Side note: If you don't finish your bottle of wine, they will cork it up for you, throw it in a brown bag, and attach a receipt so you can legally carry it out and take it home!!)

Food: We were really looking forward to the duck nachos but they were just okay. The duck was absolutely amazing but we wish there was more of it on there. The tortilla chips seemed home made and they tasted really good! But the cheese, guacamole, and salsa tasted a bit bland to us... nothing special.

I got the catfish entrée. I loved how the fish was cooked and the shrimp sauce. It paired well with the cheddar grits that were served with it. I wasn't so impressed with the wilted lacinato... very bland.

Jon got the pork chop entrée which was recommended by our server and he loved it. It was perfectly cooked and served in some kind of apple reduction- SO good! His entrée came with smoked gouda mashed potatoes that didn't have much of a smoky flavor but more of a garlic flavor. We were both really happy with what we got. The portions were enough that we each took home about half of our entrees.

The brownie is what we chose for dessert. It was very rich but nothing special to us... we wished we would have picked something else.

Ambiance: There are two rooms. The first one is the one you walk in... it has the bar, waiting area, and seating. The second room has seating, a children's play area, and the kitchen. We sat in the second room along the wall. The rustic wood tables were set with a linen napkin. When we sat down the bus girl immediately greeted us, poured us waters, and served us bread and butter (The bread was good but the butter was not soft). Our server was great, attentive, and gave us honest opinions of the food and what we should (or shouldn't) get- I liked that. He gave us new forks and knives after our appetizer/ before our entrees. He cleaned the table and brought us dessert forks when the brownie came out. No complaints here!

PS. I swear I don't live in my Baltimore Bully Crew  hoodie. It just seems like every time I take a picture, I happen to be wearing it ;)


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4th Annual Tits 4 Pits

Hi all you Baltimorean's (I think I just made that word up?)!!! I want to share an awesome 21 and over charity event happening right here in Baltimore just about a little over a week away... Saturday March 1st to be exact :)

Tits 4 Pits is held at the Gentlemen's Gold Club each year to raise funds for Baltimore's most abused, neglected, and homeless pit bulls. Proceeds from this event go directly to Baltimore Bully Crew, a local grassroots pit bull rescue who specializes in rehabbing pit bulls who were former bait dogs in dog fighting. I can attest just how great of an organization they are... my own dog, Corrado was rescued by them.

Men, women, couples... this event has something for everyone to have a great time while also raising funds for the dogs. Follow this link for the Facebook invite!

B.B.C Presents 4th Annual TITS FOR PITS

JUST ADDED: ADVERSE ATTRACTION will be the musical guest!

This year will be bigger and badder than ever!

$20 cover charge with % coming to B.B.C as well as % of all sales will be donated to help some of Baltimore's most abused, neglected and homeless Pit bulls.

- VIP Celebrity guests in the house-TBA
- Lapdances for 2nd chances
- Tons of Kick ass door prizes
- 50/50 Big A$$ Raffle
- Drink and food specials kitchen, will be open all night.
- Guest bartender for "POWER-HOUR"



Monday, February 17, 2014

My Home, Tour my Bathroom

Have fun touring my bathroom. As always, I will provide links to as much as possible!

Towel from Anthropologie. I don't think they have it anymore.

Scentsy warmer

 Towel from Anthropologie


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentines Day

I was so bored at work yesterday and I just couldn't wait to get home to my Valentine... I spent all day admiring the beautiful engagement ring he gave me just 2 months ago. I can't wait to marry him!

When I got home there were flowers and a card waiting for me.

 He knows I'm not a roses kind of girl... I mean I like roses don't get me wrong... But he got me a gorgeous vase filled with tulips that is much more "me".  I can't wait for them to bloom!

He then spent hours in the kitchen preparing a delicious meal. Stuffed clams were first... I really need to share the recipe on here... They were simply amazing. 

I can't remember the last time I ate red meat. Steak and mushroom risotto is what we had as an entree (To. Die. For.) but let's just say I paid for it all last night :( 

Hope you all had a great day with your loved ones!!!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Eating healthy... a lifestyle change

For years I have slowly been changing the way I eat- for many reasons including health and the inhumane treatment of animals. I've always been a big animal lover. One time when I was young, a neighborhood friend and I found these cool blue things (we didn't know at the time that they were bird eggs). We thought it was awesome that when you threw them, they would crack open. My dad saw us doing that and all I remember is him sitting us down and explaining to us what we were actually doing. My heart broke, I was so sad and mad at myself. He then made it clear that I was never to touch an egg or nest again. My parents taught me at a young age to respect animals. I grew up with my family dog being a boxer (all the neighborhood kids were scared of him... I never knew why; he was the biggest baby and scared of his own shadow). And we had a cat, Bud. He was an indoor and outdoor cat... my mom let him roam the neighborhood during the day if he wanted to (all the neighbors knew and loved him) and he came home every night before it got dark. One night he didn't come home and it was dark... I wouldn't go to sleep until I found him. We drove around the neighborhood calling for him. Finally I went outside for one last time and there he was! God I loved those guys. We had to put Elvis down due to a massive tumor. Bud passed away months after Elvis... I think he missed Elvis.

Picture of Elvis and Bud that we keep in my parents foyer.

I watched Food Inc. in 2008 and it really opened my eyes and prompted me to make changes in my life... because it hurt my heart to see what animals go through. My first step was to buy only organic eggs from cage free chickens. Then I started buying meat without hormones. Now, in 2014 I barely eat meat, I eat vegan bacon, and I no longer drink cows milk... I have switched to almond milk. Even if you aren't an avid animal lover, or you love meat and don't plan on ever changing that, please inform yourself of what you are consuming and watch Food Inc. My fiancé, Jon loves meat... chicken wings to be specific. He will never stop eating them but he started watching Food Inc. with me last night when I watched it again. It definitely gave him a different perspective. It's not just about meat... it shows you how a few large companies have taken over what our society consumes. It shows exactly what chemicals are in your produce and other grocery items like cereal, ketchup, etc.

What chemicals and corporate farming has done to chickens.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baltimore's Adoptable Dogs, February 2014

Kennedy adoptable through Baltimore Bully Crew

Located in Baltimore, MD. This is Kennedy. He is around a year to a year and a half old. He is a very sweet, loving young dog that has very good social skills, both with people and other dogs. He thinks cats are funny to watch and loves kids. Kennedy is housetrained, crate trained and respectful on a leash. He is the perfect little family companion, at 40 lbs fully grown. Kennedy is a lot of love packed in to a small but very athletic body. He enjoys going out in public, running, hiking, playing and chasing balls but it just as content snuggling on the sofa with his foster brother and sister, who are both bully breeds. Please visit our website and fill out our application. Once received, we can set up a meet and greet. Thank you for adopting.

Brutus adoptable through Bella's Bully Buddies

Brutus started off being left at the front steps of BARCS, couldn't move and only weighed 42lbs. Even though someone let this happen to him he still showed affection as much as he could. He has now put on more than twice his weight but still could gain a little more! He has been living with a trainer and working on his manners which are coming along wonderfully. He is still a rottie and a puppy so its always going to be an ongoing process but well worth it! This guy hasn't met anyone he doesn't like including children which he has shown to be gentle with :) He is learning play manners from a multitude of other dogs, big and small and truly enjoys being around them. Like any rottie his favorite thing is getting attention from people and acting like a lap dog!!  He loves playing with his ball on a rope and flinging it around. His adopters must agree to continue Brutus' training.  To adopt Brutus, please fill out an application at

Bernadette adoptable at Animal Advocates of Baltimore County
Say "Hello" to my new best friend, Bernadette, Animal ID #0351. She is the kind of girl you want to hang out with all day. Bernadette, is a stray from Towson, MD, arrived at BCAC on 2/7/14 and can go home with you by 2/13/14 (just in time... to share Valentines Day together). She is a spayed, 3 year old, female, terrier/chocolate lab mix. I had so much fun with Bernadette Saturday, even though she did most the work while I giggled. She knows, sit, shake and down. She loves playing with an over-sized tennis ball. She eventually ends up on her back rolling around with so much joy with the over-sized tennis ball in her mouth! When walking her through the kennels she has done little meet and greats with other dogs and showed no negative signs, just lots of sniffing. Please consider having Bernadette as your next love-bug waiting at home for you, after a hard day of work.



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